I'm Mark Martinez, and it's time to . . .


Read the Book. Reach out to Mark. Inspire Your Team.

"Being intentional is all-encompassing. To
be intentional about hitting your grand slam,
whatever that looks like for you, means
aligning all of the elements of your life in
service to that goal." -Mark Martinez

Rounding life's bases...


Whether you relate to the Grand Slam in tennis, wrestling or fly fishing, most of us have heard of the grand slam in baseball. You will enjoy reading Hit Your Grand Slam as you take a journey around the baseball diamond on how to apply four principles to your life. So today the line-up card says you are hitting lead off—YOU’RE UP.

"it’s much easier to live a truly great life, to hit
a grand slam, if you are surrounded by team‐
mates—family, friends, mentors, and others—
who support you and truly know you." -Mark Martinez

Invite Mark to your event


Mark was asked to give the commencement speech to Southern Nazarene University. See the video below for an example of how Mark can bring similar wisdom to your audience in the near future.

Inquire to book mark

Schools. Churches. Businesses.

"In one of our best attended years, we booked Mark Martinez as our keynote speaker and our whole conference was better for it. His delivery was clear. His message spanned our audience. And our people walked away feeling inspired and rejuvinated. If that doesn't sound like a grand slam booking, I don't know what does."—Larry, Director of The Oklahoma Locker Room Men's Conference

“The substance of your presentation was exceptional. I had several men comment on how much they enjoyed you and are looking forward to getting and reading your book. They were also wondering as well if you would be back to speak to them. I want to truly thank you for the impact that you had, and we will be looking for an opportunity to have you come back and share with us. Thank you so much and I pray God continues to bless your ministry.”—Darren, Trinity Temple Church

Simply fill out the form below to get in contact with Mark about bringing a powerful lesson on leadership, perseverance, and grit to your team.

About Mark

Mark is an Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor, and Author of the book, Hit Your Grand Slam, whose burning desire is to inspire businesses, schools, nonprofits, and sports teams to chase their individual and collective greatness.He combines encouragement and challenge as he walks people through the bases of Intentionality, Focusing on Others, Sense of Urgency, and the Chase. Mark lives in DeSoto, KS with his wife, Tracy, and three children.

Step up to the plate...


If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email the address below. Mark would love to hear from you—either what his book meant to you, or if you would like to have him speak to your group. There's no better time than NOW to inspire your team.